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New Ireland trust accepts applications online

Howard Lake | 1 June 2011 | News

One of Ireland’s newest charitable trusts, the Genio Trust, can now accept applications online. Genio works with public, private and social sector organisations to support and promote innovative approaches to ensure that people at risk of social exclusion are supported to live full lives in their communities.
Currently Genio operates in the disability and mental health sector supported by the Atlantic Philanthropies and in collaboration with the Office for Disability and Mental Health, the HSE and non-governmental advocacy and service-providing organisations.
The online system will allow applicants to set up an online account where applications can be saved and returned to at any time up to the submission date. Other features include help files, printing options and the facility to share applications that you are working on with colleagues via email.
There are two funding streams:
· Grant stream A: Grants to support the development of community alternatives to congregate or institutional care.
· Grant stream B: Grants to support the development of alternative respite models.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 9 June 2011.

