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DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal raises £72m in 100 days

Howard Lake | 17 October 2011 | News

The public has donated £72 million Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) East Africa Crisis Appeal since it was launched 100 days ago on 8 July 2011. This is one of the most successful appeals it has run and is the highest total it has ever raised for a food crisis.
The DEC does not normally make comparisons between appeals “because we take the view that all giving is generous and should be welcomed unreservedly.” However, it has made an exception in this case because of the scale of the public’s generosity. The East Africa Appeal’s total so far is the third highest total of any appeal in the charity’s 45 year history, and the largest for any African appeal.
Only the 2004 Tsunami Earthquake Appeal (£392 million) and the 2010 Haiti Earthquake Appeal (£107 million) raised more.
The DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal will remain open until the end of the year. It has already enabled the DEC member agencies and their partners to provide aid to nine million people in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.

