The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Leeds University presents matched giving campaign results as infographic

Leeds University’s Alumni & Development Team have presented the results of their matched giving campaign in infographic form.

The Big Match appeal ran from 2008 to 2011 to take advantage of the Government’s Matched Giving Fund for Universities. Every £3 donated by alumni was worth £4 to the university, or £5 if it was given using Gift Aid.

The results in graphical form are a thank you to the donors who gave. Adrian Salmon, Footsteps Fund Manager at Leeds University, told UK Fundraising that the image will appear on the back cover of the next donor newsletter.


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Leeds University infographic


The infographic includes the total of course, but also splits the income by the decade in which the alumni graduated from Leeds. By far the most donations were received from those who had graduated in the current decade, followed by those who had donated in the 1990s.

The infographic was created by designers Appetite.

Have you presented the results of a fundraising appeal in this format? Similar if more basic presentations have appeared in charity annual reports over the years covering total income, but the use of infographics to demonstrate impact and thank donors is surely in its infancy at present.

