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Thank you Send A Cow for your thank you campaign

Howard Lake | 6 January 2012 | Blogs

Send A Cow have produced a whole campaign based on saying thank you. Thank you to donors, thank you to volunteers.

Fundraisers know that saying thank you is an essential part of our job. Send A Cow’s campaign should therefore inspire us to say those valuable two words in ever more places, and in ever more creative and even amusing ways.

For example, you could just say ‘thank you’ on your Facebook page, and highlight one or two donors or volunteers. They’d appreciate it no doubt. Or you could choose Send A Cow’s approach and redesign your website, Facebook page and Twitter account to say thank you to all kinds of supporters.


Thank you Tony Butterick - Twitter avatar

Even better, the charity has done it in style and with a humorous approach. They are currently saying thank you to volunteers with a video which dominates the front page of their site:


Thank you Volunteers from Send a Cow on Vimeo.


There’s a thank you dance:


Thank you dance from Send a Cow on Vimeo.


and several thank you videos to individual donors and supporters:


Thank you Janet from Send a Cow on Vimeo.


Thank you Joe from Send a Cow on Vimeo.

The thank you has been added to the charity’s logo throughout its site:

Send a Cow logo with thank you

and the site includes a prominent thank you message to volunteers.

The most striking element of the campaign was, I believe, redesigning the charity’s Facebook page to say thank you – to one donor. A first-time donor called Joe Gilbert. He is the object of the video above incidentally.

Send a Cow Facebook page thanks Joe


In the USA, charity:water have done very well at saying thank you to individual donors, including with video messages from the founder and chief executive. But Send a Cow show that such personal and striking thank yous can be done in a wide variety of ways.

So, if you’re ever stuck with what to say on Facebook, Twitter or your website, try a thank you to all your supporters, or pick out one or two lucky ones and thank them individually.

