The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Find & remind toolbar to boost funds raised by easyfundraising

Howard Lake | 9 January 2012 | News

Online shopping fundraising site Easyfundraising has created a free toolbar to help ensure that users maximise the amount they raise for their chosen cause when they shop online. The Find & Remind toolbar adds a drop-down reminder every time the user visits a retailer that is participating in the affiliate marketing-based programme.
For online purchases to qualify for a donation to the shopper’s charity, the shopper has to remember to visit the retailer’s site via a dedicated link on the charity’s website or via Easyfundraising’s site. It is very easy however to forget to do so, especially when the retailer emails the shopper with an offer.
Now the toolbar will remind them that they can raise funds for their charity when shopping on the site.
It works on Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, and Easyfundraising say that a version for Chrome is in the works.
It also lets the individual know how much they have raised for their selected charity by their online shopping, and includes a Google and Easysearch facility which highlights participating retailers in the search results.
Easyfundraising is offering a 50p donation to the individual’s charity simply for downloading and installing the toolbar.

