The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

More UK Charities On Pinterest And Its evolving Use

Howard Lake | 20 March 2012 | Blogs

Following Howard’s blog post on Pinterest exactly one month ago (Six UK charities using Pinterest already), several more UK charities joined the new social medium such as Merlin, WWF UK and Child’s i (already mentioned in the comments of the above blog post).

What is more intriguing at the moment is the innovative ways some UK charities are using on Pinterest to showcase their cause and engage with their supporters.

Crimestoppers is using Pinterest to promote videos and campaigns, and latest news from UK regions:


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Crimestoppers on Pinterest

Scope is now publishing its weekly news on Pinterest:

Scope on Pinterest

And Langdon Foundation is promoting items for the auction of its Annual Dinner:

Impressive? What do you think? Please share more examples of innovative ways UK charities are using on Pinterest in the comments’ area below

Vasileios Kospanos is a B2B and social media marketing professional, who has been working with charities for the past five years from the Gestalt Centre in London, and recently with AdvantageNFP in Redbourn. You can find him on Twitter at @vasilakosp and @AdvantageNFP. Views here his own.

