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The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2012 offers £1m in matched donations

Online giving service The Big Give Christmas is to match up to £1 million in donations to charities via its site in its 2012 Christmas Challenge.
Charities taking part are invited to encourage their donors to make donations during a short period in the run-up to Christmas. This year, following previous demand for the service, the giving period has been extended to 13 days. Charities have to set a target and then spend the summer recruiting donors who will pledge to contribute to that target. The donors then give during the Christmas Challenge period.
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is designed as an opportunity for charities to increase their income but also to recruit new donors and reactivate lapsed donors with the offer of matched funding.
The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2010 raised over £9.4 million for the 323 charities that took part, and the 2011 Christmas Challenge raised over £12.5 million for over 400 participating charities.
The Big Give is offering a number of free one-hour online seminars to guide organisations through the process, and to share ideas for making the most out of the opportunity. Charities that sign up to the Christmas Challenge are required to attend one of these seminars. There will also be optional marketing seminars available during the summer.
The Big Give is funded by the Reed Foundation and therefore does not charge for its services. Online donations are processed by Charities Trust who deduct a fee of 4%.
Applications to take part close on 24 June 2012.

