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Institute of Fundraising creates multi-author blog

The Institute of Fundraising has started publishing blog posts for the first time. The blogs are contributed by members and are designed to reflect the latest news and views on fundraising.
The first blog posts cover face-to-face fundraising, texting to fight torture, social media, recruiting fundraisers, and how to scan multiple blogs about fundraising. Contributors include Craig Linton, Di Flatt, Ed Wyatt, Catherine Miles, and Lucy Gower. The first post was written by the Institute’s Chief Executive Peter Lewis.
Other members wishing to contribute should contact the Institute’s Digital Manager Tom Lodziak.
One commentator on one of the first blog posts, which mentioned RSS feeds, pointed out that the IoF blog did not itself offer such a feed. The IoF replied that one would be added soon.
The Institute created its website in 2000, and recently redeveloped it to add a suite of new services including the facility to feature blogs.

