The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

9 Social Media Myth-busters & charity champions (Part 2)

Howard Lake | 5 November 2012 | Blogs

Previously on 9 Social Media Myth-busters:

1. Social Media is free
Charity Champion
Diabetes UK
2. A Facebook page is a social media strategy
Charity Champion
3. You can’t control social media
Charity Champion
Breast Cancer Care
4. You can’t fundraise on social media
Charity Champion
MS Society
5. We must have a presence on all the latest channels
Charity Champion
WSPA Animal Protector
Vicky Browning from CharityComms continued with social media myth-busters 6 to 9 so for your eyes only, here they are:
6. Social Media is cosy
Charity Champion
Dyslexia Action
Social Media is far from cosy. Charities need to come out of their comfort zone, and embrace them. Dyslexia Action with its presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr was presented as the champion for this myth-buster.
7. An audience is a community
Charity Champion
A brilliant example from champion RNLI was presented here. I’ll let the photo do the talking:
RNLI Facebook page screenshot
8. It’s all about the numbers
Charity Champion
Missing People
“Join The Search”, a very successful campaign from Missing People was illustrated as the best practice, when the charity got everyone going on Twitter and other social media to join the search for Missing People.
9. Our audience doesn’t do social media
“Charity” Champion
The UK Government (???)
A bit puzzling but Vicky pointed out that the guys at number 10 are very keen for all charities to be social media active and accepts that 99% of audiences does do social media. Seeing David Cameron being now active on both Twitter and LinkedIn proves her point, your charity’s audience is most likely doing social media.
Vicky concluded with the 10th bonus social media myth-buster that “social media is a fad” – clearly a decade on since LinkedIn started, with Facebook surpassing 1 billion users, and Twitter being the first point of information for “Sandy” victims and concerned audience, social media is clearly NOT a fad!
Vasileios Kospanos (@vasilakosp) is the NFP Marketing Exec for @theaccessgroup. He’s an online marketer, into social media, blogging and fundraising, committed to the third sector and fundraising best practice. Some of his previous blogs:
Fundraising through gaming
Coupons For A Fundraising Event: Any Publicity Is Good Publicity?
Glühwein fundraising
Seducing a donor on Twitter


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