The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

@vineapp – you’ve got 6 seconds so make them count!

Guest Blogger | 26 January 2013 | Blogs

Vine app logo. Source:

Two days ago my colleague Paul sent me a link to this new video service from Twitter called Vine (@vineapp) – he described it as “Like instagram is for quick, nice, easy to share pics on the go, Vine, is a little app that allows you to record and share 6-second videos that loop”.

48 hours later, two UK charities are already using Vine in quite innovative ways. Have a look at @DiabetesUK and @DogsTrust Vine videos:

Thanking a supporter fundraising for the charity.

23 retweets in in less than 20 hours.

I think Vine could be the next big thing for UK charities and could help them in engaging with donors, cultivate supporter relationships and aid their fundraising strategy. Using video has been always very powerful for storytelling and for charities to pass their messages to the public.

The difference with Vine is that the 6-second limitation will make charities and supporters use video in quite innovative ways.

Vine is currently available only on Apple mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) but if it continues to be popular at this rate I’m sure it will be introduced to Androids and the new BB10.

Vasileios Kospanos (@vasilakosp) is the NFP Marketing Exec for @TheAccessGroup, home of @AccessaCloud and @thankQ_HQ. He’s an online marketer, into social media, blogging and fundraising, committed to the third sector and fundraising best practice. Views here are his own and do not represent anyone’s interests.

