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JustGiving reports near doubling in mobile traffic after Christmas

Online giving platform JustGiving reports that traffic to the website from mobile phones and tablets nearly doubled after Christmas.

Mobile visits to the site increased from 402,000 in the fortnight before Christmas (12-24 December) to 770,000 in the fortnight after Christmas (26 December to 7 January). Now mobile traffic makes up 44% of all visits to the platform.

The company attributes this sudden rise to the number of smartphones and tablets given as gifts at Christmas.


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Apple products such as iPhones and iPads dominated the increased numbers, with a rise of 92% to 264,000 visits, but Android products rose by 95% to 85,000 visits. Traffic from desktop computers remained relatively stable during this period.

Social media channels are being used successfully to persuade people to give using their mobile device: 15% of smartphone and tablet traffic to the site came from Facebook mobile.

The statistics were announced ahead of JustGiving’s Impact Through Innovation Conference, which takes place in London tomorrow.

Charity staff that are not attending in person can follow #jgimpact on Twitter for updates and discussions at the conference, while JustGiving member charities can watch the conference on a livestream video.

