Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Just:: Health PR offers pro bono support for health charities

A Just:: Cause

Just:: Health PR is offering its communications expertise on a pro bono basis to health charities. It’s ‘A Just:: Cause’ programme will run for one year.

There are four strands to the campaign:

Gemma Taylor, Senior Consultant at Just:: Health PR, explained: “Everyone within Just:: has an opportunity to get involved. This year we’re running Academies on Creativity, Political Relations and Crisis Communications – areas in which we know charities are keen to build their expertise and where we have significant experience.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Sue Davie, CEO of Meningitis Trust, one of the first charities to benefit from Just::’s mentoring said: “The support we’ve had from Just:: over the last three years has really helped shape our organisation. They have not just counselled us on PR issues, they have advised on strategic planning, partnered with us on our first venture into Parliament and supported our lobbying campaigns.”

Just:: Health PR has provided pro bonn services to a number of health charities since 2006, including Beating BowelCancer, Family Planning Association, Food for Life and Central YMCA.



