Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Resource Alliance announces new 12-month capacity building service

The Resource Alliance is to offer charities and nonprofits around the world a 12-month programme designed to develop their capacity and sustainability.
The Emerge programme will focus on developing the fundraising, financial and leadership skills they need to become sustainable. It is designed to support transformational rather than incremental change. Neelam Makhijani, chief executive of the Resource Alliance, said: “This will foster the emergence of a stronger and more resilient civil society that can take control of its own destiny without having to rely on aid.”
Emerge will be delivered by the Resource Alliance and its associates, and will consist of a five-step process, designed to enable participants to identify areas for growth and learn the skills necessary to achieve that sustainably.
Marjolein van Den Hoven, head of business development and innovation, said: “The five-step plan will incorporate a needs assessment; indepth analysis into where the organisation wants to go and what it wants to achieve; a strategic plan; training; and mentoring. It will be very advantageous to small charities which will be benefit from expertise that they would otherwise not be able to access.”
The Oak Foundation is the first organisation to support the programme. Four of the charities small, grass-roots organisations that it funds will be put through the programme.
Emerge was announced at the Resource Alliance’s International Fundraising Congress, which draws to a close this week in the Netherlands.
Image: capacity and skills building by Lichtmeister on

