The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Comic Relief supports N Ireland fundraising advice service

Howard Lake | 10 January 2014 | News

Comic Relief has stepped in to provide continuation funding for an advice service that provides fundraising guidance to older people in Northern Ireland.
The First Steps to Funding programme, which was run by Age NI, had previously been supported by Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland over two years. During that time 50 workshops and masterclasses on fundraising had helped older people to raise over £110,000.
Comic Relief will provide £220,000 over three years to what will now be called Next Steps to Funding.
Linda Robinson, Acting Age NI Chief Executive said:

“We are delighted that our First Steps to Funding programme is moving into its Next Steps to Funding phase with the support of Comic Relief. We would like to thank Lloyds TSB for their incredible support to date. With their help, we have assisted local older people’s groups to improve awareness of the financial support that is available to increase and sustain activities for people in later across NI”.

Sandara Kelso-Robb, Executive Director Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland said they had been delighted to provide the funding for the innovative First Steps to Funding project over the past two years.
“The project has supported older peoples groups across Northern Ireland to increase their understanding of the funding process and to raise their skills so they can successfully apply independently for grants to help them continue their good work in the community,” Ms Kelso-Robb said.
Meanwhile, Age NI has been selected by Danske Bank as their charity partner for the year.


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