The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Institute of Fundraising seeks five new trustees

The Institute of Fundraising is encouraging members to consider becoming a trustee of the organisation. Chief Executive Peter Lewis emailed members yesterday, saying, “If you have strong and clear ideas about how your profession should be developed, why not put yourself forward to become a Trustee of the Institute of Fundraising?”
Three of the vacancies are open to any Institute member who resides in the UK. The other two vacancies are for national representatives from Scotland and Wales and elections for these are being run separately. These vacancies are open only to Institute members residing in Scotland and Wales respectively.
Nominations for the five vacancies should be made by midday on 2 May 2014.
Current trustees include Mark Astarita, Stephen George, Di Flatt, Julie Hunt, Gordon Michie, and Lynda Thomas.
Lewis added:

“We would particularly welcome nominations from black and minority ethnic fundraisers, disabled fundraisers and those working in the arts, cultural or heritage sectors”.



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