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Heritage fundraising training programme announced

Funding has been awarded from the Heritage Lottery Fund Catalyst Umbrella Programme to Northern Ireland Environment Link (NIEL) to develop “Investing in Northern Ireland’s Heritage”, a project designed to improve the fundraising capacity of the heritage sector in Northern Ireland.
NIEL and a Consortium Partnership had been awarded £246,000 to deliver the bespoke capacity building and fundraising training programme.
The Consortium Partnership comprises Common Purpose, Supporting Communities NI, The Business Institute, University of Ulster and NIEL.  Additional advisory support has been offered by Arts and Business NI, Business in the Community, Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, Rural Community Network and other agency and independent interests.
To secure the funding NIEL completed the project development phase work last year, principally through a Needs and Interest Survey and Analysis and desk research into existing Northern Ireland, UK and Republic of Ireland fundraising training provision.
The major components of the fundraising capacity building and training programme include a two year bespoke programme up to the end of 2015, accredited training and peer mentoring.
The programme will be launched formally in the Linen Hall Library Belfast on Friday, 2 May, 2014.
Photo: Titanic Belfast by infomatique on

