The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

3 National Convention bursaries for major gift fundraisers

The Major Gifts Special Interest Group (MGSIG) of the Institute of Fundraising is offering three bursaries to enable major gift fundraisers to attend this year’s National Convention.
The recipients will each receive a one-day pass to Convention, which takes place in London form 7-9 July. Recipients can choose which day they would like to attend.
If a recipient’s organisation is unable to pay for travel to the event, then they can also claim travel expenses up to the value of £200.

How to apply

The bursaries are open to all MGSIG members.
Applications must be submitted on the group’s application form to Marie Janson by 9am on Thursday 5 June 2014. They should be endorsed by the applicant’s line manager, who must indicate how they think attendance at Convention would benefit the organisation and applicant.
Successful applicants will have to write a short report after Convention explaining how attending the event proved useful and what they learned. They will also be encouraged to blog and/or tweet about their experience.
Applications will be judged by the MGSIG committee, who are not themselves eligible to apply for the bursaries. As volunteers, they regret that they can not inform all applicants of the result individually.


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