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Charity regulators wish the public a #SafeXmas when donating

The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, and the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) are encouraging the public “to give safely” to charities this Christmas. They are issuing advice on how people can ensure that they avoid any cons or fraudsters that say they are collecting for charity.
Paula Sussex, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission, said:

“It’s great to see that people are still extremely generous to charities at Christmas, and throughout the year. We’d like to remind the public that by taking a few small steps when donating, you can ensure that your money goes to the right place.
“Whilst incidents of fundraising fraud are rare, they do sadly occur. Don’t be put off from giving – instead, help keep charities accountable by using the resources available to make checks when giving this season. Use the Online Register, ask questions and have a ‘Safe Xmas’ this year knowing you’ve made a difference.”




To make it easy, the two organisations are promoting the “SafeXmas” acronym:
[message_box title=”SafeXmas” color=”red”]
Search for a charity’s name, registration number and landline on fundraising materials
Ask to see a collector’s ID badge and don’t be afraid to ask questions
Find the FRSB tick logo, showing that the charity’s fundraising is regulated
Ensure the collection device is sealed
Xtra information about charities can be found at www.gov.uk/charity-commission.
Make sure clothing collection bags are clearly branded with a charity’s details
Always check email and web links are genuine before donating
Still unsure? Contact your favourite charity direct and donate
Alistair McLean, Chief Executive of the Fundraising Standards Board, added:

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to contact the charity with your queries.
“Above all, keep on giving. Your donations could make a critical difference to the good causes you care about this Christmas.”

The Charity Commission has also issued a video guide to giving safely at Christmas. It’s on our list of 20 ways to fundraise at Christmas.

