Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Smaller charities take to cloud-based eTapestry CRM

Howard Lake | 11 December 2014 | News

Blackbaud reports that more small charities are signing up for its cloud-based CRM system eTapestry®, which was specifically designed for smaller charities for whom The Raiser’s Edge is too advanced.
New users include Ski 2 Freedom Foundation, NMC Recordings, Doctors of the World UK, Borders Health Board Endowment Funds, GemArts, and Autism Research Trust.
Catherine Cosby, director and founder, Ski 2 Freedom Foundation, explained why they chose it:

“As a smaller charity we had been relying on spreadsheets to manage our fundraising and supporters, but reached a point this year when that become too unwieldy and complex.
“As we seek to increase both individual and corporate giving, we were impressed by how customisable eTapestry is and Blackbaud has already gone beyond what we expected from a database supplier.”

Other ways charities are using eTapestry

• NMC Recordings have used eTapestry to encourage donations from individuals, and use communications and integrated web forms to build relationships with customers.
• Doctors of the World UK is using it to roll out a new major donor and individual giving programme as part of a campaign to increase unrestricted income.
• Borders Health Board Endowment Funds (the difference) will use it to support its upcoming capital appeal, and for targeted communications to raise new funds for equipment, research and improvements to patient care.
• Arts development organisation GemArts will use it to organise and streamline its data management in order to introduce and diversify its corporate and individual giving fundraising.
• Autism Research Trust is using it to help it target high net worth donors and regular events participants.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.


