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Localgiving raises £1.6m for local charities through national Grow Your Tenner campaign

Localgiving, the online giving and support network for local charities and community groups, raised £1.3m for small local charities across in the UK in its two-month Grow Your Tenner match fund campaign. The total is expected to raise to £1.6m after 18 months.
Over 1,200 small, local charities have received donations from 16,000 people who donated online in response to the Government-backed campaign.
The match fund was provided by the Government’s Office for Civil Society and a private philanthropist. As the campaign’s name suggests, the first £10 of donations was doubled.

New donors recruited, and new direct debits

Localgiving reports that 81% of the charities involved received donations from new donors. In addition, 88% of charities said that they had achieved some or all of their fundraising goals.
During the campaign over 4,000 monthly direct debits were set up, helping to ensure charities will receive regular support in the future.
In addition, Localgiving estimates that it helped charities save 150 working days of administrative time by processing Gift Aid on their behalf.
Stephen Mallinson, CEO of Localgiving said:

“The success of the campaign proves that match funding is a viable solution to a very real social problem. The fact is that currently only seven per cent of all donations go to small charities, despite the fact that they are in need of real financial support. With funding streams drying up, matching online donations through campaigns such as Grow Your Tenner maximises people’s giving and helps small charities to fundraise effectively.
“The legacy of the project is to ensure that these groups continue to make the most of their fundraising efforts, reach out to new donors online and develop a robust and sustainable funding model so that they may continue to provide their services in the future.”


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The 2012 Grow Your Tenner campaign raised £1.2m.
Localgiving have produced an infographic summarising the 2014 Grow Your Tenner campaign.
Localgiving Grow Your Tenner campaign 2014

