The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

New .ngo and .ong domain names to launch on 17 March

Howard Lake | 27 January 2015 | News

The new .ngo and .ong domain names for charities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) will be launched on 17 March 2015, following a three year process. These new suffixes are designed to offer an alternative to the .org suffix which designates a not-for-profit organisation but which can be used by a surprisingly wide variety of organisations.
The distribution of these new domain names is being handled by Public Interest Registry, who have also built an online community for NGOs around this function, called OnGood.
As with other domain suffixes, registration takes place in three phases, designed to protect organisations with trademark-protected brand names.

1. Sunrise period

From 17 March to 20 April 2015 organisations, individuals and companies which have registered their trademark(s) in the Trademark Clearinghouse will be able to register the domain name that matches this trademark(s), so that others can’t try to gazump them.

2. Limited registration period

From 21 April to 5 May, NGOs which have already submitted an Expression of Interest will be able to register their .ngo and .ong domain name. This takes place on a first-come first-served basis.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

3. General availability period

From 6 May the .ngo and .ong suffixed domain names will be available for anyone to register for their charity, NGO, nonprofit, association or foundation.
Will your charity be registering a .ngo or .ong domain name? Let us know in the comment below.
• See also .NGO domain name: a go or no go for charities and NGOs?

