Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Google to match fund $5m in donations for refugee and migrant crisis

Howard Lake | 16 September 2015 | News

Google is encouraging public donations to help four organisations working with migrants and refugees who are trying to reach Europe. It is offering to match fund $5m in donations.
The company has already donated $1m, so the total it donates will be up to $6 million.
It made the offer yesterday via a small but noticeable text bar at the top of its search page. This links to a single page in which Google expands on its refugee and migrant crisis appeal. Further detail was shared on Google’s blog.
It described the crisis involving people in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East as the world’s largest refugee and migrant crisis since the Second World War.
The online donations are being handled by Network for Good, and Google has added that it will cover all the processing fees, so that 100% of people’s donations are received by the causes.

Refugees and migrants in a densely packed boat, from the air

Google is offering up to $5m to help four NGOs

Which NGOs will receive the money?

The four organisations that will receive the donations are:
• Doctors without Borders
• International Rescue Committee
• Save the Children
According to its explanation of its matched giving appeal, it has chosen these organisations because of “their strong track record and existing response”.
Donations made in the USA will be tax deductible. Donations by UK citizens will not qualify for Gift Aid.
To make a donation you will need a Google account. If you don’t have one and still want to give, Google invites you to donate via the organisations’ own websites. It will not however match those donations.


