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Cabinet Office offers £100k for subsidised fundraising training to small charities

The Cabinet Office is to provide up to £100,000 to help provide subsidised fundraising training for small charities, to help them improve their fundraising.
It will select between one and three training providers. Applicants are invited to apply for between £25,000 and £100,000 to run the programme of training between mid-February and June 2016.
In this case small charities are defined as those with an annual income of up to £1 million.
As well as providing the training, the successful applicant must also produce a complementary free fundraising resource, available freely both for those who attend the course and the broader small charity sector.
To give applicants a sense of the scale that is expected from the selected supplier(s), the Cabinet Office’s briefing document notes that “a previous OCS programme of £100k delivered 706 training opportunities to over 300 small charities”.
Applications to the Cabinet Office’s Small Charities Fundraising Training Programme close on 9 October 2015.

