Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Win a digital fundraising service bundle from Pedalo

Howard Lake | 15 January 2016 | News

Web design and development agency Pedalo is offering the prize of its new User Experience service bundle to one charity in a prize draw.
Their service is designed to improve website conversions, specifically digital fundraising activities on a charity’s website.
Guy Courtney, Director of Client Services, said:

“This service bundle has been a long time in the making. We have been working with charities and not for profit organisations for over 15 years, and along the way have picked up a lot of knowledge about donation funnels and fundraising calls to action. We see how some charities struggle to get online fundraising right, and so we thought it was time we created a bespoke user experience service to help them”.


Pedalo's three stage UX process

Pedalo’s service guides a charity through three stages of user experience design

The bundle is based on Pedalo’s three-step approach to user experience (UX) that takes charities from determining business goals through evaluating page performance to improving conversions. The final product is a report with recommendations.
Entries to Pedalo’s digital fundraising service bundle draw are open. The closing date is 29 February 2016.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

