The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Social innovation fund open for applications

Howard Lake | 28 June 2016 | News

Social enterprises, charities, and other not-for-profits in Ireland are being invited to apply to a new €1 million fund which wants to use technology and innovation to make Ireland better.
THINKTECH has been created by Social Innovation Fund Ireland with support from and the Irish government. It aims to support the “most innovative, technology-driven solutions to Ireland’s critical social issues” to grow and scale, within Ireland or beyond.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate how they will use both technology and innovation to make Ireland better. Proposals can involve a broad range of technologies, should have already demonstrated progress towards measurable social impact, and have the ability to scale or spread across Ireland.
THINKTECH anticipates that winners could be innovating in one of several ways; including:
·         Have developed a new technology that offers a solution to a critical social issue
·         Applies an existing technology in a new way or with a new target group
·         Uses the technology to grow the reach of the solution
THINKTECH anticipate that a range of technologies can qualify, from leveraging the power of the web and open internet platforms, through apps, and assistive technologies.
Applications must meet the following criteria:
·         The project must address a critical social issue in Ireland.
·         The solution proposed must be innovative in an Irish context.
·         The solution must have potential and a desire to scale or replicate in Ireland (it may also have potential internationally, but this is not a requirement).
·         The solution must provide evidence that it is up and running,and have been tested at least in a minimal way.
·         Could the project create jobs? (Preferable not critical).
·         That it is based on the island of Ireland and will make its main impact in the Republic of Ireland.
THINKTECH is open for applications until Sunday 31 July 2016.



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