Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Minister announces Local Charities Day to celebrate local charities & community groups

Melanie May | 19 July 2016 | News

Minister for Civil Society Rob Wilson MP has announced plans for a Local Charities Day to celebrate local charities and community groups.
Wilson made the announcement in a speech delivered on 14th July, and said that it would be “a celebration of local charities and community groups” that will take place later this year.
In his speech, Wilson said:

“Whilst small charities make up 97% of all registered charities in the UK, all the media coverage seems to go on the big guys. It ignores what the vast majority are doing, day in, day out, to serve their communities.
Through tough times, I’ve been impressed to see many small, local charities adapting to challenges by finding different sources of funding and banding together to reduce costs.
It is impressive to see these charities adapting whilst keeping focus on what is best for their communities.
We should shout from the rooftops about the energy, the commitment, the expertise that small and local charities bring.
And that’s why I am delighted to announce plans for a Local Charities Day. Raising their profile to help them get the recognition they deserve.”

Commenting on the announcement, Pauline Broomhead, FSI CEO, said:


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

“Small charities are amazing and the more we can do to support them the better. I’m excited that the Minister is keen to create a day that will encourage giving to small local organisations – anything we can do to increase this has got to be a good initiative.
I think we, as providers of support to small charities, need to come together to see how we can make sure that this day focuses on giving to small local charities and I know that the FSI is already talking to several of our partners on how we can make this day work.”

The full speech can be read here.


