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Chatter app lets celebs auction FaceTime chats for charity

Melanie May | 5 October 2016 | News

An app that offers people the chance to FaceTime with celebrities to raise funds for charity has launched in the US and is looking to partner with charities in the UK. 
Chatter launched in the States earlier this year, and celebrities currently involved include Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake and Shaquille O’Neal.
The app lets celebrities auction five minutes of one-to-one FaceTime with them for a charity of their choice. To talk to a celebrity one-to-one for five minutes, people can either enter a draw by buying a raffle ticket for $1 with one person chosen at random to win the chat, or bid auction-style, with the highest bidder winning the FaceTime chat.
chatter app
The app can be downloaded free from the Apple App Store, and UK charities interested in partnering with Chatter should contact Pasha King at pa***@ch***************.com.



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