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Charity teams do the #mannequinchallenge

Howard Lake | 9 November 2016 | Blogs

#MannequinChallenge. Three shop mannequins, with UK Fundraising logo to the bottom right.

Remember the HarlemShake? The IceBucketChallenge? The current meme du jour is #mannequinchallenge. And charity staff are already embracing it.

You might have seen the Hillary Clinton campaign team join in on board their aircraft yesterday. Charity staff are joining in as well.

They don’t include fundraising calls to action, although the JDRF version promotes a fundraising event. But I’m sure we’ll soon see a charity doing a version that does just that.


We’ll add more here as we spot them.



[Video at no longer available]


3. Oxfam

Oxfam take the opportunity to show their Supporter Relations team saying thank you (silently of course).


4. Providence Row

A powerful reminder as Christmas approaches that there are vulnerable and homeless people nearby who need help.


5. WaterAid

WaterAid has filmed the community of Mahankaal in Nepal take on the challenge:

The community of Bevato in Madagascar has joined them:


