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Give as you Live raises £8 million for UK charities

Shopping and giving platform Give as you Live has now raised more than £8 million for charities.
The site enables individuals to shop at 4,100 online retailers, such as John Lewis and ASOS, and generate a percentage of the purchase value as a donation to any of 220,000 UK charities and good causes. The donation is made by Give as you Live on the shopper’s behalf from the commission paid by the retailer.

Successful 2016

The £8 million milestone was reached following a very successful year for the service, which started in 2010. Give as you Live reported 14,800 new shoppers and 1,450 new charities signing up, and an annual total of over £380,000 raised for charities.
Annabelle Risdon, head of charities at Give as you Live, commented, “After a brilliant 2016 and a strong start to 2017, achieving the milestone of £8 million raised for UK charities is the cherry on top. While it’s great to see such a high figure, the better part of this is knowing how this money will benefit the charities we work with, be they small, local community groups or large, well-known charities. Our work isn’t done yet though, and we’re continuing to plan new innovations that will bring further ways for charities to boost revenue, so watch this space.”

Born Free’s £12,000

International wildlife charity Born Free has raised more than £12,000 via the site in the seven years it has been operating.
Helen Usher, marketing accounts manager at Born Free said: “It’s essential that we have a reliable, guaranteed core budget to keep us going day-to-day and to fill any gaps we can’t find specific funding for, and the money from Give as you Live fills this pot. For us, the main benefit of Give as you Live is increasing supporter numbers without them needing to make a large commitment, like a monthly direct debit. It also gives corporate partners a simple way to be involved.”


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Range of fundraising opportunities

Give as you Live products are free for charities. They now cover a range of different ways of raising funds.
• Give as you Switch, where users can compare and switch insurance or energy provider while raising a donation for a charity of their choice
• Personalised greeting cards, where users can send cards to friends and family that raise up to £1 per card for the charity of their choice.
• Customisable fundraising pages and fundraising groups for charities, schools, companies and more on the Everyclick website
• Bespoke marketing campaigns for charities throughout the year
• Reduced printing costs for charities and businesses through its specialist Print Management Service
Give as you Live’s vision is to set the industry standard for innovative charity fundraising in the UK. For more information about Give as you Live, please visit: 


