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Five tweets for fundraisers on 12 July 2017

More ideas, inspiration, humour, and a dose of ‘did you know?’ in our latest selection of Twitter wisdom for fundraisers.

1. Giant cheques

Ever wondered where giant cheques originated from? The kind that are used for publicity purposes in so many charity fundraising stories – except on UK Fundraising where we refuse to feature them on the grounds that they are lazy and unthinking?
The earliest known example of one, of which a photo exists, might surprise you. And it’s not the cheque in the image below.


2. The laws of modern marketing

These gems apply equally to fundraising. Enjoy.


3. Christmas Times

Black, white, and read (and green) all over.


4. Postmark of respect

The Royal Mail, a committed promoter and supporter of payroll giving for years, is marking 30 years of the payroll giving scheme.


5. Audience participation 



