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Direct mail company offers annual scholarship for university students

Howard Lake | 28 July 2017 | News

Gateshead-based mailing house Washington Direct Mail (WDM) is offering an annual scholarship award for existing UK university and prospective students.
It will provide £1,300 in annual Scholarship Awards to three individuals who are currently attending or planning to attend a United Kingdom University. The prizes will consist of:
First place: £1000
Second place: £200
Third place: £100
Jason Sullock, UK Marketing Manager for WDM, explained the initiative. He said: “We’ve been looking at this for a while but it’s come into sharper focus with the government’s intention to increase the interest rates on student loans.”
He added that scholarship awards tie in well with both WDM’s business and social responsibility aims.
He explained: “We understand it can be hard for some students and their families to make ends meet. It’s not just the tuition fees, think of the IT equipment that’s needed as standard these days, as well as the books, the transportation, the clothing, and that’s without talking about the utility bills, day-to-day housing and food costs. In fact the estimated cost of attending a three-year university course at somewhere like the University of Manchester these days is £28,170.”
He also wanted the company to encourage the next generation of managers to join the digital printing and direct mail industry or to explore their use in their business planning.
He said: “Direct Mail has evolved out of all recognition since the introduction of digital marketing but still remains an essential tool in any managers promotional toolkit.”

How to apply for the scholarships

To apply, applicants should submit a 750+ word essay by 5pm on September 30th 2017, addressing the title: “The Opportunities and Benefits of Integrating Personalised Digital Printing and Direct Mail into a modern Business Marketing Strategy.”
Six finalists will be chosen by the Washington Direct Mail Scholarship Judging Team. Their essays will then be posted and promoted online. A public vote will then determine the winning Washington Direct Mail Scholarship Awards.
Sullock said: “Whilst we’re not Microsoft or Sage by any means, we strongly believe that if you’re fortunate enough to be doing well in business, you should always try to give something back to society.”
continued Jason, “This is our way of doing that. It’s the right thing to do, and we hope it will help three students on their way, whilst at the same time highlighting to future generations of managers, entrepreneurs and business owners exactly how useful
modern direct marketing can be.”



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