The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Blockchain-based Giftcoin to provide greater transparency for donations

Howard Lake | 5 December 2017 | News

Giftcoin is a blockchain start-up that aims to enhance transparency and trust in charities by enabling donors to track where their money goes.

The cryptocurrency begins its own fundraising efforts this week with registration for its token sale beginning on 11 December.

The latest entrant to apply the blockchain to charitable giving will, its founders claim:


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London-based Giftcoin’s platform has been designed specifically to enhance the way people donate. Donations made on the platform are converted into the Giftcoin cryptocurrency, allowing the subsequent path of the contribution to be tracked from end-to-end using blockchain, while providing reliable proof of transactions.

It will then send donors a notification when their gift is spent and inform them about how their money has been used.

Social media sharing options are built in to the process, inviting donors to share the fact they’ve just given via Giftcoin and thereby likely promoting further adoption of the cryptocurrency.

You can read GiftCoin’s whitepaper which sets out its business plan, roadmap and technical specification.


The GiftCoin team

GiftCoin’s founders include Alex Howard, who created UK charity The Optimum Health Clinic, and Tim Bichara, co-founder of fintech start-up Q App, which last year was acquired by Yoyo Wallet.

Alex Howard, co-founder of Giftcoin said: “As the founder of a charity myself, I am all too familiar with the difficulty that charities face in connecting with the public and building trust. I firmly believe that transparency is key to solving this problem, and blockchain is the tool that will deliver it.”

Tim Bichara, co-founder, added: “It is imperative that charities acknowledge the need to redefine their relationship with the public, particularly younger groups. Giftcoin gives donors a level of transparency that is not currently offered in the sector. It also encourages repeat donations and helps charities build better relationships with supporters.”

Charity sector advisers to GiftCoin
Charity sector advisers to GiftCoin

The GiftCoin team is being advised by three charity sector specialists:

Charity partners

Charities that already signed up to the platform include Ourmala, Enhance the UK, and The Optimum Health Clinic Foundation, a charity set up Alex Howard.


The funds raised from Giftcoin’s token sale via its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) will be used to develop a prototype product, which is scheduled to be released in May 2018. From there, the team will work with a select number of charities to develop the platform further, before releasing the full product in September of next year.

Registration for Giftcoin’s token sale opens on 11th December and the ICO itself starts at 09:30 EST (2.30pm GMt) on 12 January 2018.

WATCH: The Giftcoin story unfold


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