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Fundraising Regulator announces new approach to complaints report with ‘pause’ until 2020

Melanie May | 14 December 2017 | News

The Fundraising Regulator is to take a more qualitative approach with its complaints report in future, with the next full report now not due until in 2020 while it works on making this change, it has announced.
The Fundraising Regulator published its first report on complaints received by charities about fundraising in 2016 this October, with submissions from nearly 900 charities. It has now decided to review the content and purpose of the report with a new version to be published in the summer of 2020 covering the financial year 2019/20.
According to the Regulator, this change will enable it to explore specific areas in greater detail; and provide the sector with more information on the volume and nature of the complaints received about fundraising
Between now and 2020, the Regulator has said that it will undertake a review of the purpose and content of the report, in consultation with the sector with the two year pause allowing it to prepare ‘a more meaningful and qualitatively impactful report’ covering 2019/20. During this period, the Regulator will continue to monitor and analyse complaints data, but on a smaller scale – producing shorter, interim reports covering 2017-18 and 2018-19. The data will be collected from around 60 charities who spend the most on fundraising.
Stephen Dunmore, CEO, said:

“The Fundraising Regulator is committed to developing a thorough, useful and thought-through complaints report that provides real insight into the nature of fundraising complaints and how they can be resolved.
“An interim structure, reflecting this more qualitative approach, will be used for the 2017/18 and 2018/19 reports. Following the process of review and adaptation, the 2019/20 report will mark the start of a new complaints analysis process for the longer term.”



