Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Consumers still loyal to their email accounts, says DMA

Email continues to be a reliable method of communication, according to research by the Direct Marketing Association. Almost all consumers check their personal email every day, and nearly as many are still using their very first email address.
The latest edition of the Consumer email tracker 2017 report from the DMA reveals that:

Of course, consumers have developed tactics for dealing with email volumes, especially from commercial organisations.

Email volumes

The consumers surveyed by the DMA:


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The DMA found that consumers feel they receive too much irrelevant content from brands via email:

What drives trust in emails?

What can marketers do to convince consumers and donors that they are handling their data responsibly? According to the DMA’s research:

In addition, the DMA report that “consumers are also more likely to read concise emails”. 
Rachel Aldighieri, MD at the DMA, says: “Engagement is driven by relevant, short and actionable emails… We know, for instance, consumers are engaging well with simple emails composed of well-written text and images. The power of the craft of copywriting should not be underestimated.”
You can read the DMA’s Consumer Email Tracker report 2017 although free registration is required. 

Infographic: the email account

DMA Consumer email tracker 2017 - infographic



