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UNICEF’s Justin Forsyth announces resignation to avoid damaging charities & the cause

Melanie May | 22 February 2018 | News

Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF Justin Forsyth (left in photo), has resigned his post following Tuesday’s (20 February) revelations of inappropriate behaviour during his time at Save the Children.

In a statement published on his blog, Forsyth states that his resignation from UNICEF is not because of the mistake he made at Save the Children, which he says were “were dealt with through a proper process many years ago”, but to protect both charities and the cause from further damage.

He states:


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“There is no doubt in my mind that some of the coverage around me is not just to (rightly) hold me to account, but also to attempt to do serious damage to our cause and the case for aid. I am resigning because of the danger of damaging both UNICEF and Save the Children and our wider cause. Two organisations I truly love and cherish. I can’t let this happen.”

Forsyth is reported to have sent inappropriate texts and made inappropriate comments to three women during his time at Save the Children. He has apologised and said that he takes full responsibility for his actions.

The news follows the recent allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Oxfam employees in Haiti, which saw Chief Executive Mark Goldring questioned by the International Development Committee on 20 February.

Forsyth became Chief Executive of Save the Children in September 2010, following his work for the government that saw him become Strategic Communications and Campaigns Director under Gordon Brown. He became Deputy Executive Director of the UNICEF in 2016.

