Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

hub for London moves closer to launch with appointment of CEO

The hub for London has announced the appointment of its first CEO, Margaret Cooney, to take forward the new organisation as it draws closer to launch.
The hub for London’s objective is to bring together and support the capital’s voluntary sector. Hosted by Greater London Volunteering, it aims to strengthen the charity sector in the capital by providing access to business, organisational, technical and enterprise support to civil society organisations, as well as online resources.
It will allow charities to access and share data and information, training schemes and good practice. By building cross-sector links and partnerships, the hub aims to ensure voluntary and community organisations have a voice within debate about London, its governance and the issues it faces. It will also help organisations work together and provide a platform for a number of voluntary sector networks, such as the London Safer Futures Network.
Membership will be open to any individual or organisation based in London.
The project is a result of research carried out by London Funders, commissioned by City Bridge Trust, into the future of infrastructure support for London’s voluntary sector. City Bridge Trust, the main funder of the initiative, has awarded £350,000 towards its first year of operation.

Cooney has previously worked with V-Inspired and The Big Lottery, and alongside her appointment recruitment is also underway for five members of staff to drive forward the initiative. The hub for London will then formally launch this Autumn.
Cooney said:

“I’m delighted to take up the role of being the first CEO for the hub, building on the work of both GLV and LVSC, and I am looking forward to working with the new team to build on the progress that the Way Ahead programme has already made.
“There are many exciting opportunities ahead to collaborate with the voluntary, statutory and business sectors and I want the hub for London to grow these so that London’s diverse communities and networks can thrive.”

GLV’s Chair, Cameron Fitzwilliam-Grey, added:

“I am thrilled to welcome Margaret to the GLV family and am very much looking forward to working with her. The ‘hub for London’ is really beginning to take shape now and I’m excited to see our collective vision and plans come to fruition with Margaret’s help.”



