Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Lady Hale spider brooch t-shirt raises thousands for Shelter

Melanie May | 25 September 2019 | News

Uxbridge firm Balcony Shirts has raised over £15,000 for Shelter so far through eBay sales of a t-shirt designed in honour of Supreme Court Judge Lady Hale.

Lady Hale wore a spider brooch when she delivered the judgment that Boris Johnson’s advice to the Queen to suspend Parliament was unlawful. Many took her choice to be a veiled message on the Prime Minister.

In response to the popularity of Lady Hale’s choice, garment printers and embroiderers Balcony Shirts, which coincidentally is based in Johnson’s constituency, created a black t-shirt bearing an embroidered silver spider. The response was such that it put the t-shirt on eBay for £10, pledging to give 30% of this to Shelter.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

In a day, it saw sales take off, and has now sold over 6,500, and raised over £15,000 so far for the charity.

