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TAP for Bristol reaches 20 contactless donation points

Melanie May | 19 December 2019 | News

Bristol now has 20 Tap for Bristol contactless donation points around the city centre, raising a total of £150 per day to support homeless people.

The TAP for Bristol contactless donation system raises money for homelessness prevention services as well as directly supporting people who are currently homeless.

The scheme is delivered by Bristol City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) in partnership with Caring in Bristol and Quartet Community Foundation.


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New TAP Points in windows and on hand-held devices are now operating at No1 Harbourside, below the Watershed, three Tesco branches in the city centre (College Green, Marlborough Street and Millennium Square), The Ibis Hotel, Small Street Espresso, and several pubs in the old city including Small Bar, Brew Dog and the Volunteer Tavern.

The most recent TAP Point, installed this month, is now operational at Wapping Wharf in the window of Better Food Company.

tap for Bristol
Image: Bambalan

TAP for Bristol launched in September this year and has already raised £6,600 through its contactless donation points where people can tap their credit or debit card to donate £3. It is on target to raise £10,000 by the start of 2020 when the funds will be divided equally between Caring in Bristol and local frontline services facilitated by the Quartet Community Foundation, which is managing, monitoring and evaluating all donations.

Caring in Bristol will use the money to deliver new homeless prevention and early intervention support services to people who are vulnerable to homelessness. This will include a new group of trained volunteers working in partnership with local debt and housing advice agencies to give additional, timely support to those at risk of becoming street homeless.

Quartet will invite local charities, organisations and community groups to apply for funding on behalf of named individuals to support them into a safer and more stable life away from the streets. Homelessness organisations will be asked to outline their proposed support for the specific needs of an individual, for example buying a bike for someone to attend interview or get to work; funding transport to get to college or rehabilitation sessions, buying clothes for an interview or white or electrical goods for their home.

Tap for Bristol sign in central Bristol - contactless giving for homelessness charity initiative in Bristol. Photo: Howard Lake
TAP for Bristol location opposite College Green, Bristol. Photo: Howard Lake

Keith Rundle, operations director at Bristol City Centre BID said:

“It is no surprise to me that our city has embraced TAP for Bristol with such a positive and generous spirit. Countless organisations have contacted us about hosting a TAP Point, which means we now have an impressive 20 TAP Points operational in just 3 months since launching.”

“People now have a choice. These days lots of us don’t carry cash, and many have concerns about giving money directly to people on the street. TAP for Bristol offers a simple choice to donate, safe in the knowledge that every penny will be used to tackle homelessness through both prevention work and emergency support.”

Ben Richardson, director of Caring in Bristol, added:

“Thanks to the generosity of the people of Bristol, who have really embraced the new TAP for Bristol contactless donation points, we are on track to hit the fundraising target and release the first investment for our new homelessness prevention programme.

“This will mean that as well as your donation helping people to move to a life away from the streets, it will also help others ever having to be on the streets in the first place. The single biggest reason for people becoming homeless in Bristol is to the loss of a private rental tenancy.
“Our volunteers and advisors will work with individuals at risk to give them additional advice and support to help them keep their homes.”

Any organisation wanting to apply for a grant can do so online, via the Quartet website.


  • TAP for Bristol raises over £30,000 in one year (16 October 2020)
  • TAP for Bristol reaches 20 contactless donation points (19 December 2019)
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