The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Volunteering & charity work low on people’s list of New Year’s resolutions

Melanie May | 7 January 2020 | News

Overall, just 6% of people questioned in a recent YouGov poll said participating in volunteering or charity work had ever been one of their New Year’s resolutions.
YouGov questioned 2,020 UK adults in December on the subject, and found that volunteering or charity work came near the bottom of the list for New Year’s resolutions, beaten only by cutting down on phone usage, which only 4% had ever resolved to do.
Women however, were more likely to include this as New Year’s resolution, at 9% compared to 4% of men. Younger age groups were also more likely to make volunteering or charity work a resolution, with 9% of 18-24 year olds including it, and 8% of 25-34 year olds. Least likely were 35-44 year olds and those aged 55+, both at 5%.
Top, by a wide margin, and for all age groups, were losing weight at 44%, followed by more exercise / increasing fitness, saving more money, and improving diet. 
27% however said they had never made a New Year’s resolution, and only 25% of these made one last year. 27% overall said they would be making them for 2020.



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