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Nisa’s MADL launches charity clothing banks

Melanie May | 19 August 2021 | News

Pink MADL clothing banks - photo: MADL
Recycling in the pink. MADL clothing banks.

Nisa’s Making a Difference Locally charity is now offering its own charity clothing banks to help raise funds for local causes.

Designed to increase stores’ MADL funds to donate locally, as well as help people recycle unwanted clothing, MADL’s charity clothing banks are available for Nisa partners to order free of charge, following a trial that began earlier this year. Stores can choose which local cause they wish to fundraise for through their clothing bank.


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Working with its partner Nathan’s Waste Savers, every clothing donation is either sold, reused or recycled. The banks are installed, serviced and emptied regularly by Nathan’s Waste Savers and once they have been weighed and emptied, funds raised are banked into the store’s MADL account and donated to a local good cause of the store’s choosing.

Nisa partner Dike & Son in Stalbridge was one of the first stores to trial a MADL clothing bank, raising awareness among customers through a competition on the store’s Facebook page. This offered the chance to win a £100 donation from its MADL fund to a good cause of the winner’s choice. Donations to the clothing bank over the first couple of weeks generated £42 for the store’s MADL fund.

