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Funders Collaborative Hub relaunches

Melanie May | 2 December 2021 | News

a team depicted by 4 hands on top of each other

The Funders Collaborative Hub, which provides opportunities for funders to work together for social good, has relaunched after a successful pilot year.

Based on its learnings over the past year, the Hub has been improved and expanded, and a new website launched with more than 60 funder collaborations currently available to explore.

The Hub is hosted by the Association of Charitable Foundations, and first launched in November last year. Opportunities include existing collaborations open to new funders joining or with learning and resources to share, as well as emerging opportunities from funders wanting to share their ideas and intentions, and connect with others to work together.

Opportunities will be added to on an ongoing basis, and can be filtered by geography, issue or type. There is also a ‘Share what you’re working on’ form for telling others about new collaborations or suggesting something new.

The Hub has updated its Funder Collaboration Toolkit, which brings together practical tips, templates and resources for each of the typical stages funders go through when working together, from laying the foundations to stewarding the collaboration.

There are also case studies available for inspiration, including one on the Match Trading® Task Force – a group of over 20 funders, the UK Government, corporates, research and advocacy partners aiming to make Match Trading a permanent fixture in the finance market for social enterprises, community businesses and trading charities.

More details on the Hub and what’s available are detailed in a blog on the site by its Head, Jim Cooke.

