Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

F2F Alliance launches to drive positive change throughout sector

Melanie May | 8 December 2021 | News

F2F Alliance logo

A new alliance of face-to-face fundraising agencies has launched, with the aim of creating a safe and inclusive space for fundraisers and supporting charities, agencies, and fundraisers alike.

The F2F Alliance believes that F2F fundraising should be fair for all parties involved and that if they work together and each receive a fair deal, this will attract new fundraisers to the industry, improve industry support and raise standards, which will in turn produce more meaningful outcomes for charities.

A key aim of the Alliance therefore is to showcase best practice on a range of subjects, from fundraising standards to business methodology.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

It has an initial board of five, from the Alliance’s founding five member agencies.

This is chaired by Liam McEntegart from REAL Fundraising, with Urbanleaf’s Jen Suter as Vice Chairperson. It also includes Josh White from Bright Future Fundraising, Oliver Steele from Wesser, and Matt Atkinson from One Sixty.

The board has developed a set of key standards to launch the organisation that it hopes to grow in the coming months.

These include:

Membership of The F2F Alliance is free and agency membership applications are welcomed via the Alliance website with all agencies having to pass the Alliance’s standards to become accredited.

