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Monthly focus: fundraising CRMs

Howard Lake | 31 January 2022 | Features

Crowd of people (b/w). Photo:
Photo by Ingo Joseph from Pexels.

The role of customer relationship management (CRM) tools in fundraising is so important that this year we’re devoting a whole month to the topic.

Explore links to our coverage all in one place.

We’ll be covering new developments, best practice, thoughts on how to make the most of CRMs, and other insights.

We welcome contributions and insight into how you use CRMs and what you expect from them. Do comment on our content’s comments sections and on our social channels.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

Thank you to our platinum sponsor for their support of this focus:

We are also grateful for the support of:

Blackbaud logo
Engaging Networks logo
Fundraising KIT logo
The Kindness of Strangers logo

Salesforce Nonprofit Trends Report (4th edition)

Fundraising resilience and innovation in adversity (22 February 2022)

Yellow neon sign - "we can be heroes just for one day". Photo:
Photo by Gabriel Bassino on Unsplash

Where to find pro bono support on CRMs and data (22 February 2022)

a graphic in blue with the word AI surrounded by a network of connections

Four ways AI in CRMS helps to improve fundraising (22 February 2022)

Online giving donor insights to help you benchmark and optimise campaigns - Engaging Networks
Download now

Fundraisers, start your year with a fresh set of online giving benchmarks (21 February 2022)

a brightly illuminated and coloured laptop screen with the lid closing

Data: key tips for keeping it useable in your CRM (16 February 2022)

A gift box with a pink ribbon

Top gifts for the CRM team (14 February 2022)

This week’s egregious data error to remind us that CRMs need not only users who have been trained but also systems that check the quality of data entered and processed.

Fundraising KIT logo

Enhanced donor insights and fundraising reporting with KIT (7 February 2022)

THINK Consulting Solutions not surprisingly include the stewardship function of a CRM as one of 20 key elements of fundraising for 2022:

a hand holds a pen over a clipboard, poised to write

Top CRM tips – from charities, for charities (8 February 2022)

The Kindness of Strangers - the tools and guidance you need to fundraise like the professionals. All in one place.
The tools and guidance you need to fundraise like the professionals. All in one place.

The Kindness of Strangers (7 February 2022)

Two paper speech bubbles on a fuchsia background. Image:
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

Where to find CRM advice from other fundraisers (2 February 2022)

Here’s an enhancement to direct mail that charities might make use of to gather or enhance existing supporter data with: logo (directory listing) (1 February 2022)

question marks over a notebook and pen

Fundraising CRMs: 6 key tips to help with the decision-making process (1 February 2022)

Do explore our feature on fundraising CRMs last year.

Next month’s editorial focus is on fundraising events. If your company or agency would like to promote its relevant services or products as part of that, do contact our advertising sales team.

