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Global council launches to support F2F fundraising standards

Melanie May | 22 September 2022 | News

International Public Fundraising Council screengrab

A new worldwide network of face-to-face regulatory associations has been created to boost networking and quality standards in face-to-face fundraising among nonprofit organisations globally.

The International Public Fundraising Council (IPFC) launches today in Austria with eight national regulators from around the globe. AMRAC (France), QUIF (Austria) & Q!SH (Germany) are the founding members, along with one advisory observer: the UK’s Fundraising Regulator. PFRA (Australia), PFRA (New Zealand), PFFA (United States) & ABCR (Brazil) are associate members.

QUIF, part of Fundraising Association Austria (Fundraising Verband Austria) and one of the project’s founders, was created in 2019 and today (22 September) hosts the formal launch celebration at its Global F2F Fundraising Summit 2022.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Around 2.5 million new donors are recruited by nonprofit organisations every year through public fundraising but public fundraising requires well-trained fundraisers and a consistent set of benchmarks to ensure quality standards and an exceptional donor experience. Austria’s fundraising sector has for many years operated the Quality Initiative for Donor Marketing, and the Austrian approach is now going global with the founding of the IPFC.

Jean-Paul Kogan-Recoing, president of the IPFC, commented:

“The challenging time of the pandemic has given rise to unprecedented cooperation in the international face-to-face community, which is being taken to a new level with the founding of the IPFC.”

Günther Lutschinger, treasurer of the IPFC said:

“Every year, organisations lose an average of about 10% of their donors because they change their favoured charities and give their donations elsewhere, or they pass away. To compensate for this, organisations must continuously acquire new supporters. On average, one in five donors in Austria is acquired through direct F2F contact, so we know it works but it must be done well.”

In partnership with Fundraising Association Austria, the IPFC is also taking the lead in enabling F2F fundraisers from all continents to share a common platform for learning and exchanging ideas. The IPFC has been partner of the Global F2F Fundraising Summits since June 2020. A major next step is today’s Global F2F Fundraising Summit – an online event in which around 1,000 nonprofit representatives and fundraisers from around the world are expected to participate.

The aim is to further develop the sector internationally, identify trends at an early stage, and to ensure that high quality approaches are being implemented – goals that will underpin the first International F2F Fundraising Congress to be held in Vienna in May 2023.

Fundraising Association Austria is also introducing a new face-to-face fundraiser certification scheme in the country to enhance quality standards and bolster the profession within the job market by recognising the various transferrable skills it requires.

