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Charities sought to join Wayne Hemingway & Maria Chenoweth’s Charity Super.Mkt

Melanie May | 13 December 2022 | News

A woman with long dark hair in a reddy-orange jumper looks through clothes on a rack. By Cottonbro on pexels

Wayne Hemingway and Maria Chenoweth are looking for more charities to join them for the launch of Charity Super.Mkt at London’s Brent Cross Shopping Centre in February.

Over the past year, Hemingway and Chenoweth have been piloting Charity Super.Mkt with a few charities, which brings them together under one roof to raise funds by selling second-hand clothing. They provide the destination, location, marketing, music and customers and charities provide the clothes and staff, with the aim of making more income for good causes in a sustainably fashionable way.

After securing the ex-Top Shop unit at Brent Cross Shopping Centre, North London as an initial site the pair are now looking for more charities to join them for the launch on 3 February 2023.


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They said:

“There are many reasons why charity retailers should be standing together. 2022 saw huge growth in the second-hand clothing sector, including more commercial outlets and dealers of second-hand clothing. From Primark to Selfridges, SuperDry to Zara – the greenwashing and press coverage has been endless. Charity retail is, and always has been, the best thing since sliced bread. It’s the biggest green, circular, sustainable retailer on the British high street, and does really impactful, kind things with profits. United we have to claim our title and be the loudest circular economy voice!”

Placed opposite Apple and next to John Lewis, the first Charity Super.Mkt physical store in a shopping centre will be both ‘iconic and ironic’.

Charity Super.Mkt at Brent Cross will run for a six-week period, from mid-January to the end of February. Two weeks of this will be for setting up, with four weeks of retailing, which should start on 3 February. 

Charity retail brands can either have the full four weeks or take a two-week pitch at the beginning or end of February.

Charities that have been part of the Kings Cross trial are already signed up and there is space for a further seven. Those interested are asked to contact Wayne Hemingway as soon as possible at in**@he*************.uk.

Wayne Hemingway and Maria Chenoweth at the launch of Charity Super.Mkt
Wayne Hemingway and Maria Chenoweth at the launch of Charity Super.Mkt

Key details

There is the choice of 1,000 or 2,000 sq. ft of retail space per charity. 

To cover costs, sales are on a 20% turnover rent with no leases to sign, or bills to pay.

Opening hours are:

Hemingway and Chenoweth aim to supplement charity staff with Charity Super.Mkt volunteers or staff, and there will be a call out for volunteers.

They will be starting the recruitment process for the Brent Cross Charity Super.Mkt store manager, and then looking for a manager to manage all of their national events.

After this, Charity Super.Mkt will go on a national tour of short pop-ups up and down the country. There will be 12 annual (one per month on payday weekend) events over two-four days.

