The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

NPC launches guide to help funders make grant-making more inclusive & transparent

Melanie May | 6 July 2023 | News

Two women (one in a wheelchair) sit at a table by a computer, talking. By Marcus Aurelius on Pexels

The guide is the culmination of work launched last year to test NPC’s theory that working more openly in how funders design their fund, make their decisions, and evaluate their impact can bring multiple benefits.

Over 18 months, NPC researched the field, designed an open process, and gave out over £570,000 of grants to charities and community groups helping people in financial hardship across the UK.

The resulting guide shares how funders can make their grantmaking more inclusive through an Open Philanthropy process, defining what NPC means by this, and offering insights, guidance, and templates to help others work more openly.


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In the introduction, NPC says:

“Philanthropy has traditionally been a closed process, with decisions made behind closed doors. Open Philanthropy is about giving grants in an inclusive and transparent way.”

It continues:

“Our vision for Open Philanthropy is ultimately to see transformation in the field – for the norm to become foundations and philanthropists operating both transparently and inclusively.”

The paper, it says, is NPC’s first step towards this vision and a work in progress, sharing what it has learnt from the first Open Philanthropy fund it has developed. Part one looks at how to create an open process, part two looks at decision making including launching funding and allocating it, part three covers understanding impact, and there are examples and templates throughout.

