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Oxfam & Glastonbury project crowned number 1 in Crowdfunder’s top 100 of the last 12 months

Melanie May | 20 March 2024 | News

A banner from Crowdfunder saying '100. The top 100 crowdfunding projects'

Crowdfunder has unveiled its top 100 crowdfunding projects of the last 12 months, with Oxfam and Glastonbury’s project to raise funds for the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal taking first place.

The crowdfunding project offered people a chance to win one of 10 pairs of Glastonbury Festival tickets along with a ‘once-in-a lifetime’ experience. It raised over £1mn from 46,392 supporters.

In second place is The Independent Noah Donohoe Investigation project, which aimed to raise £150,000 to complete an investigation into, and documentary on, the death of Belfast boy Noah Donohoe. It beat its target to raise just over £179,000, from 5,909 supporters.


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Third place is European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) Earthquake relief for Türkiye crowdfunding project. This raised £261,123 with 2281 supporters in 69 days.

Together, the top 100 projects have raised £18,001,681, supported by 405,876 individuals.

Members of the Crowdfunder team have selected a project that stood out to them:

Simon Deverell, Joint CEO, chose Led By Donkeys:

“Led By Donkeys’ simplistic and ingenious campaigning over the last 7 years has continuously ‘hit the nail on the head’ as far as highlighting ‘accountability’ in politics. It’s calling out flip-flopping politicians in the most simplistic way – by reminding us, the public, what our politicians previously said or campaigned to win votes on. LBD have mastered crowdfunding, building a huge following that want to see their (often futile) frustration amplified through their message. Top marks on all fronts.”

Dawn Bebe, Joint CEO, chose the Noah Donohoe project:

“I was blown away by the Noah Donohoe project – they raised over £179,000 to continue the fight to find out the tragic circumstances of young Noah’s death and create a film about it. It struck me that in a desperate and deeply challenging situation, the crowd had responded to the call of Noah’s mother and the investigations team and united to provide the cash to enable them to continue to seek out the truth. There are few other ways this work could have found the funds to continue and it brilliantly demonstrates how crowdfunding brings communities together to make things happen.”

Phil Geraghty, Co-Founder, chose Ipswich Town Foundation:

“Ipswich Town Foundation is an amazing story of what is possible with the Crowdfunder platform. They are doing wonderful work in the local community, but like many charities have limited resources for fundraising. They have been running Crowdfunder Prize Draws every month, with amazing engagement from the local community and using those funds raised to continue their great work. A shining light to all charities on what is possible. “

Max Upton, Head of projects, chose the Music Venue Trust:

“I’m fortunate to work with many inspiring and game-changing projects every day. One standout is Music Venue Trust. From raising over £4 million during the pandemic to #SaveOurVenues, running a £150,000 prize draw to win Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys’ guitar, to more recently launching a £2.3 million community share offer to #OwnOurVenues. The team’s passion and commitment to supporting grassroots music venues is incredible. It’s a privilege to share a stage with such an awesome charity.”

