The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Charity Commission disqualifies Capt Tom Moore’s daughter & son-in-law from being trustees

Captain Tom. Credit: Emma Sohl, Capture the Light Photography
Captain Tom. Credit: Emma Sohl, Capture the Light Photography

The Charity Commission has confirmed that it has disqualified Captain Tom Moore’s daughter, Hannah Ingram-Moore, and her husband Colin Ingram-Moore from being trustees, and from holding senior management functions.

The disqualification orders for Hannah Ingram-Moore and Colin Ingram-Moore are for a period of 10 and 8 years respectively. The Commission has stated that in this instance, the legal test for disqualification was met ‘because there has been misconduct and/or mismanagement, the individuals are not fit to be a trustee or hold senior management functions and disqualification is in the public interest.’  

The Charity Commission launched a statutory inquiry into the Captain Tom Foundation in June 2022, to investigate serious concerns about the charity’s governance and financial controls. This is still ongoing, and once concluded the Commission will publish a report on its findings and the actions taken.


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Charity Commission CEO, David Holdsworth, said:

“We only disqualify someone from serving as a trustee or a senior manager in a charity when the evidence gathered means it is proportionate and lawful to do so. The evidence in this investigation meant that the level of misconduct and/or mismanagement was serious enough to warrant this action.


“People generously support good causes with the clear expectation that trustees will act in the best interests of their charities.


“As an independent regulator, it is vital that we uphold and protect this trust, including by taking robust regulatory action where appropriate, based on firm evidence.”

In a statement, the Ingram-Moores said they had decided not to appeal, but ‘fundamentally disagree’ with the Commission’s conclusions.

They also said:

“The disqualification has been imposed without the conclusion of the statutory inquiry into the Captain Tom Foundation.

“The Commission’s failure to conclude the inquiry prolongs our deep distress and hinders our ability to move on with our lives, extending the pain and impact on our family and our father/grandfather’s legacy.”

They highlighted too that it was “widely recognised that the funds raised in April 2020 were directed entirely to NHS Charities Together.

“Public donations were managed by JustGiving and transferred directly to NHS Charities Together, without any involvement from our family in the distribution process.”

