The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Council on Foundations gives press pass to bloggers for first time

Howard Lake | 1 May 2007 | Blogs

In the USA the Council on Foundations is for the first time formally inviting philanthropic bloggers to attend its annual conference in a media capacity.
Seven blogs from the philanthropic world will be reporting on the conference, including Stanford Social Innovation Review, Michael Gilbert’s With, The Huffington Post, and WorldChanging.
Bloggers have been accepted at some commercial sector and political conferences over the past couple of years, so it is encouraging to see the charity sector following suit.
The real benefit to conference organisers and delegates is the ability to share and gain more information. The conference organisers are encouraging this online participation: “you can offer your views on the issues being discussed, a particular session you’d like to comment on, or how the overall conference is going.”
Indeed, conference blogging can ensure that the conference speakers and content reaches an even wider audience, especially those not able to pay the cost of attendance.
So, have any UK philanthropy sector bloggers received formal invitations to any of the major conferences this year? CAF Charities Annual Conference? NCVO Annual Conference? Institute of Fundraising National Convention? Bloggers have of course reported on these events because they attended them, but has anyone received a formal press/media invitation to attend in the capacity of a blogger?

