Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Even US charity suppliers are slow to embrace Internet

76 pages of supplier listings and not a single e-mail, Web or gopher address to be seen.

In January this year the Chronicle of Philanthropy published its Management and Leadership Resource Guide as a supplement to its fortnightly paper. In the 76 pages of listings and advertisements there was not a single e-mail, Web or even gopher address to be seen. Suppliers to fundraisers have not yet woken up to the need to communicate online with their clients.

In contrast, the accompanying 12 January 1995 issue of the Chronicle fatured a front-page leading story entitled “Fund Raising by Computer: the Next Frontier?”. It reported that “charities see on-line solicitations as a cheaper, easier alternative to traditional methods.” It’s time for the for-profit suppliers to catch up with their use of the Internet.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

